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Role of the Nurse in Adult Care Facilities

Support A.5670 (Solages)/S.5471 (Rivera)

LeadingAge New York is urging lawmakers to support A.5670 (Solages)/S.5471 (Rivera), which would allow Adult Care Facilities (ACFs) to directly employ LPNs or RNs to provide nursing services.

Many ACFs in the state currently employ nurses, but their residents are not able to fully benefit given restrictions on the duties the nurses can perform. Currently, these professionals are permitted to provide nursing services only to residents of Enhanced Assisted Living Residences (EALRs). Only 10 percent of the total licensed ACFs in the state are also licensed as EALRs. Unfortunately, this means that capable nurses working in these settings can't provide services to residents; instead, a third party must be brought in to serve the resident. This limitation prevents nurses from providing services that would result in better health outcomes for the resident and support end of life care.

Enter your information below to contact your lawmakers, urging them to support A.5670 (Solages)/S.5471 (Rivera). You can also access LeadingAge NY's memo of support here.


Role of the Nurse in Adult Care Facilities

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Role of the Nurse in Adult Care Facilities

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Role of the Nurse in Adult Care Facilities

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