Value-Based Payment
Value-Based Payment
CMS Announces GUIDE Model for Medicare Beneficiaries with Dementia The Guiding an Improved Dementia Experience Model aims to improve the quality of life for people with dementia, while helping them to remain at home and reducing strain on unpaid caregivers, by providing an alternative payment arrangement for providers of supportive services. Letters of Interest to participate in the Model are due by Sept. 15, 2023.
- 1 year ago
Value-Based Payment
DOH Releases Final Update to Medicaid Value-Based Payment Roadmap Under the proposed 1115 waiver, the value-based payment framework described in the Roadmap will drive a substantial investment in the State's health system.
- 2 years ago
Value-Based Payment
Highlights of February 2020 Plan Meeting DOH announced a delay in the implementation of the MLTC nursing home benefit limit due to a systems issue. The transition of long-term nursing home residents from MLTC to FFS will not take place on March 1st upstate, as previously planned. The expected duration of the delay and whether it will affect the NYC transition were not known at the time of the meeting. The meeting also included updates on quality measure reporting, provider network submissions, and Medicare-Medicaid managed care procedures.
- 4 years ago
Value-Based Payment
DOH Value-Based Payment Work Group Discusses Next Steps in VBP The Work Group met on Dec. 11th to discuss strategies for strengthening and expanding VBP arrangements under Medicaid managed care and MLTC.
- 5 years ago
Value-Based Payment
VBP Measures for PACE and MAP Plans to Resume in 2023 DOH had suspended its calculation of value-based payment measures as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. It resumed calculation of the Potentially Avoidable Hospitalization measure in measurement year 2021 and will calculate all Category 1 measures for PACE and MAP plans for 2023.
- 2 years ago
Value-Based Payment
DOH Releases 2022 Draft VBP Roadmap for Comment The 2022 VBP Roadmap Update would make VBP arrangements optional for partially capitated MLTC plans and their network providers. PACE and MAP plans would continue to be subject to VBP arrangements.
- 3 years ago
Value-Based Payment
DOH DSRIP Phase 2 Webinar Offers Additional Detail on Waiver Plans DOH hosted a webinar on Dec. 11th to share details with stakeholders on the recently submitted application to extend and renew the State's DSRIP Program waiver. The webinar highlighted the successes of the first phase of DSRIP and described how the second phase would expand and strengthen the VBP arrangements initiated in the first phase.
- 5 years ago
Value-Based Payment
Highlights of December Plan Meeting The December managed care plan meeting with DOH covered a variety of new and long-standing MLTC issues, including updates on the nursing home benefit limit and MLTC enrollment lock-in, integrated Medicare-Medicaid managed care policies, the transition of FIDA program enrollees, VBP contract submission deadlines, CINERGY payments, DSRIP 2.0, and MLTC model contracts, as well as new requirements governing crossover coordination of benefit agreements.
- 5 years ago
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