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Medicare and Medicaid Providers Require Periodic Revalidation

The March 2019 Medicaid Update reminds Medicaid providers that they are required to revalidate their enrollment in the program every five years. The same is true for providers participating in the Medicare program (every three years for durable medical equipment providers). While both programs require revalidation every five years, these are two separate processes based on separate schedules. Failure to revalidate by the established due date could lead to termination from either program.

During Medicaid revalidation, providers submit information on ownership, managing employees, agents, persons with a control interest, and group affiliations supervising/collaborating arrangements. Providers should ensure eMedNY has an accurate mailing address on file to ensure they receive revalidation notices without delay. More information and FAQs are available here. For information on maintaining your provider file or to pose questions, please visit eMedNY.org, contact the eMedNY Call Center at 1-800-343-9000, or email providerenrollment@health.ny.gov.

Medicare providers must follow a similar procedure but are notified by their Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC), National Government Services, of their Medicare revalidation date. They can also check whether their revalidation date is approaching here. Revalidation dates are typically at the end of the month and are added to the listing approximately six months in advance. For providers whose revalidation date is further than six months away, "TBD" will appear on the list instead of a date. Medicare revalidation information is available here.

Contact: Darius Kirstein, dkirstein@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8841