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Update on the Shutdown's Impact on HUD and You

Due to the shutdown, some U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) housing providers' contracts have not been renewed, and they have not received payments to their project accounts as expected. LeadingAge National has laid out the steps that you can take to determine whether your contract has been renewed and how you can access your reserves if necessary. Please remember that owners must obtain HUD permission before accessing their reserves. The instructions from LeadingAge National are available here. It is important that you contact Linda Couch and Colleen Bloom at LeadingAge National should you find that your contract has not been renewed and/or you need to access reserves.

LeadingAge is also actively advocating for Congress to reopen HUD. It is important that your representatives hear this message from providers as well, and LeadingAge National has provided several examples of messaging that you may use when you contact your representative. That information is available here.

As a final reminder, at the first sign of trouble with your HUD contract, contact Linda Couch or Colleen Bloom. The earlier they receive this information, the better. Should you have any questions regarding any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact me at sneitzel@leadingageny.org. We will continue to provide updates as we receive them.

Contact: Sara Neitzel, sneitzel@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8835