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Tell LeadingAge Magazine About “The People You Serve”

LeadingAge magazine is collecting stories of the remarkable people members work for and with as part of its “People We Serve” series. Since 2012, the magazine has published more than 500 short profiles, written by LeadingAge members, of residents, clients, staff, volunteers, and board members who have lived remarkable lives, are actively making the world a better place, or are simply loved by those around them.

LeadingAge is looking for the stories of a diverse group of people from all around the country, from members from all parts of the continuum.

If you would like to share a story about someone special, please write a brief sketch in the range of 200 to 300 words and email it, along with a photo or video link if possible, to LeadingAge magazine editor Gene Mitchell at gmitchell@leadingage.org. Any questions should be directed to Gene at that email or 202-508-9424.

For a look at some of the past articles in the “People We Serve” series, follow these links: