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LeadingAge Seeks Members for Interviews on Migrant/Immigrant Workforce

The LeadingAge Center for Applied Research (CFAR) is working with the Global Ageing Network (formerly IAHSA) to explore the role that migrant/immigrant workers can play in delivering long term services and supports (LTSS) to the world’s growing older population. CFAR is seeking volunteers from the LeadingAge NY membership to interview on their experiences with employing migrant/immigrant workers.

With funding from Sodexo, CFAR is exploring the strategies to recruit migrant/immigrant workers and the personal characteristics and working conditions of these workers. They are also exploring the challenges and opportunities to support the LTSS migrant/immigrant workforce as well as exemplary programs, and the impact of this workforce on staff and recipients of care.

CFAR plans to conduct telephone interviews across the globe to gain the perspective of providers who employ migrant/immigrant workers. The interviews and related research will be designed to help researchers uncover new information about:

  • Factors shaping the international labor markets and migration of direct care workers and nurses, including national migration policies;
  • Personal characteristics and working conditions of migrant/immigrant workers and how they differ from native-born workers;
  • Opportunities and challenges associated with integrating migrants/immigrants into the LTSS workforce, including the challenge of building cultural competency;
  • Strategies to help providers recruit, retain, and support migrant/immigrant workers;
  • The impact of a migrant/immigrant workforce on co-workers and residents, and on quality of care; and
  • Exemplar programs that have successfully integrated migrant/immigrant workers into their care delivery systems.

CFAR is seeking to identify two to three providers in New York to interview. Ideally, the provider has implemented programs and practices to support the foreign-born workers. Each interview will last one hour and will be conducted with the human resource manager and administrator/executive director at the organization separately. If your organization is interested in participating in an interview, please let me know at dheim@leadingageny.org by Fri., July 14th.

Contact: Dan Heim, dheim@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8383 ext. 128