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Legislative Bulletin: Housing Budget Hearing, Federal Advocacy, and More

Housing Budget Hearing Recap

Last Friday, John Broderick, LeadingAge NY’s Senior Policy Analyst, presented testimony at the Joint Legislative Budget Hearing on Housing. The testimony recommended the creation of an Affordable Senior Housing with Services Program using the Governor’s proposed $125 million for senior housing capital, as well as the appropriation of $10 million for a Resident Service Coordinator Program to enhance service coordination in existing and new senior housing.

Jamie Rubin, outgoing Commissioner of New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR), and his successor, RuthAnne Visnauskas, were the first to testify. Rubin and Visnauskas began by describing HCR’s accomplishments over the past year, including financing the creation or preservation of more than 17,000 affordable homes and apartments; awarding more than $122 million for affordable housing in all areas of the state; transforming aging Mitchell-Lama apartments in need of repairs and upgrades; and introducing the Affordable New York Housing Program.

Rubin discussed his support for Governor Cuomo's $20 billion five-year Affordable and Homeless Housing Plan. The proposal includes a $2 billion re-appropriation of capital and $526 million in new appropriations. According to Rubin, the plan will include the construction of 50,000 new housing units and the preservation of 50,000 existing units that require rehabilitation.

Following John’s testimony, Stuart Kaplan, CEO of Selfhelp Community Services, testified to the need for an Affordable Senior Housing with Services Program and a Resident Service Coordinator Program. Assembly Housing Committee Chair Steven Cymbrowitz praised Selfhelp's housing developments and stated that it makes sense to have the Affordable Senior Housing with Services Program, so that seniors can get help when they need it.

The entire Housing budget hearing can be viewed here. John’s testimony begins after the four hour and five-minute mark, while Stuart’s begins after the four hour and 32-minute mark. LeadingAge NY’s written testimony is available here.

LeadingAge NY to Testify at Home Care Workforce Hearing

Ami Schnauber, LeadingAge NY’s Vice President of Advocacy and Public Policy, will be presenting testimony at the second public hearing on home care workforce challenges in Albany on Mon., Feb. 27th. The hearing will focus on the obstacles to recruiting, employing, and retaining a sufficient workforce, including but not limited to training, wages and benefits, and geographic coverage of services. It will also address the payment rates from Medicaid managed care, funding for Expanded In-Home Services for the Elderly, the role of managed care organizations in directing the resources toward patient-centered care, and the increasing demand for home care services. We will share a copy of Ami’s testimony in the coming days.

Budget Revenue Consensus Expected Next Week – Take Action Today!

With lawmakers returning from recess early next week, we are entering a critical period in the budget process. The Governor, legislative leaders, and fiscal aides have until March 1st to develop a consensus forecast for revenue that will form the basis for budget negotiations. Both the Assembly and Senate are actively developing their one-house budget resolutions, which will represent their priorities going into negotiations. These resolutions are expected to be passed by March 13th.

A strong advocacy effort over the next several weeks is essential. If our issues are not addressed in at least one of the one-house bills, it is highly unlikely that they will be part of the final enacted budget. Please take a few minutes and make your voice heard on our top budget issues.

So far this month, 39 advocates have sent legislators a total of 137 emails, five tweets, and zero Facebook posts. We need to step these numbers up, particularly on social media. We cannot stress enough the power of Facebook and Twitter in spreading our message and building support for our initiatives. Give social media a try this week – it’s quick, easy, and effective!

  1. Ensure MLTC Rate Adequacy
  2. Support an SSI Increase and the Restoration of the Enriched Housing Subsidy for ACFs
  3. Ensure High Quality Nursing Home Care for New Yorkers
  4. Support Capital and Services Funding for Senior Housing
  5. Protect Home and Community-based Services (HCBS) in New York State
  6. Support Capital Funding for the LTPAC Sector
  7. Reject Transportation Carve-Out Proposal in this Year's Budget

TBI/NHTD Managed Care Carve-Out Bill Coming Before Senate Next Week

As we reported last week, S.1870 (Hannon), legislation allowing individuals with traumatic brain injuries (TBI) or who qualify for nursing home diversion and transition (NHTD) Medicaid waiver services to continue to receive such services outside of managed care programs, has been placed on the Senate Floor Calendar for Tues., Feb. 28th. LeadingAge NY strongly supports this bill, and we need you to call your Senator and urge him or her to do the same. It is important for your Senator to know that there are no cost savings associated with moving TBI/NHTD into managed care. Given the significant programmatic changes absorbed by Medicaid Managed Care and Managed Long Term Care plans in recent years, we believe that the interests of all stakeholders would be best served by focusing on current populations and benefits. LeadingAge NY’s memo of support, which you can email or fax to your representative, is available here.

LeadingAge NY, Other Associations Issue Letter on Federal Medicaid Funding

This week, LeadingAge NY and other provider associations issued a joint letter to the New York congressional delegation expressing concerns about proposals in Congress to end the entitlement to Medicaid and cap funding to states. The letter explains how a decline in federal support for New York’s Medicaid program would be disastrous, resulting in severe reductions in reimbursement for providers, limits on needed services for beneficiaries, or the denial of coverage for beneficiaries altogether. Additionally, it urges representatives to oppose block grant and per capita cap proposals, which would open Medicaid up to annual battles over funding and almost certainly result in cuts over time. LeadingAge National has published an issue brief on Medicaid block grants and is asking members to engage with their legislators on this subject.

Federal Advocacy Alert: Ask Senators Schumer and Gillibrand to Co-Sponsor S.309, the Community Based Independence for Seniors Act

Lastly, we need you to take action on the federal Community Based Independence for Seniors Act (S.309)! LeadingAge National and LeadingAge NY strongly urge you to call or email Senators Schumer and Gillibrand and ask them to support this important, bipartisan legislation.

S.309 would establish a new Community-Based Institutional Special Needs Plan (CBI-SNP) demonstration program, which would target low income, Medicare-only beneficiaries who need help with two or more activities of daily living. The benefit would include long term care services and supports that the Secretary of Health and Human Services determines appropriate for the purpose of the CBI-SNP demonstration program. These services and supports include homemaker services, home-delivered meals, transportation services, respite care, adult day care services, and non-Medicare-covered safety and other equipment.

This legislation is a key step toward improving access to community based services, and we greatly appreciate your advocacy efforts.


Ami Schnauber, aschnauber@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8854

Jeff Diamond, jdiamond@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8821