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Report outlines federal housing policy recommendations

The Bipartisan Policy Center’s (BPC) Housing Commission released a report entitled "Housing America’s Future: New Directions for National Policy," that submits recommendations for federal housing policy.Participants included former HUD Secretaries Mel Martinez and Henry Cisneros.

The report covers a new system for housing finance, affordable rental housing, rural housing and demographic changes that will present challenges and opportunities for the nation's housing system.

The report highlights that the aging of the population will necessitate major changes in the way we operate as a nation, including in the housing sector. The commission supports better integration of aging-in-place priorities into existing federal programs and urges a more coordinated federal approach to meeting the housing needs of the growing senior population.  In addition, the commission recommends better coordination of federal programs that deliver housing and health care services to seniors.

To view the report, click here.

Contact:  Ken Harris, kharris@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8383, ext. 139