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Pew Issue Brief Highlights Broadband Challenges, Opportunities in Affordable Housing

On April 3rd, Pew Charitable Trusts published an issue brief titled “Broadband Challenges and Opportunities in Affordable Rental Housing.” The brief is based on interviews with affordable housing and digital equity experts, including LeadingAge National’s Director of Housing Operations and Policy, Juliana Bilowich. It begins by identifying challenges in affordable housing broadband access – such as a lack of wiring in older buildings, a legacy of housing discrimination, and a lack of targeted funding for property retrofits – before exploring the benefits of broadband access once those barriers are overcome and policy proposals that could help. Read more from LeadingAge National and learn how to get involved in federal advocacy on this issue here.

LeadingAge NY reported last week that New York State has received federal approval to spend $100 million to support the Affordable Housing Connectivity Program (AHCP), a competitive grant program that will address some of the challenges highlighted by the Pew brief by providing owners of affordable housing across the state with new or upgraded infrastructure so that tenants can access high-quality home internet service at affordable monthly rates. Once the fiber broadband upgrades are complete, residents will also have access to digital inclusion services. Owners interested in receiving no-cost new or upgraded fiber-to-the-unit broadband equipment installations should take the first step toward receiving infrastructure upgrades through the AHCP by completing the Broadband in Your Property survey.

LeadingAge NY and its members joined advocates last year in calling on the Governor and Legislature to target affordable multifamily housing when developing their spending plans for what will ultimately total $1.2 billion in broadband-related funding. We appreciate that this first installment is designed to meet that goal and look forward to continuing our work to help make sure these funds are spent effectively.

Contact: Annalyse Komoroske Denio, akomoroskedenio@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8866