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Housing Members Meet with HUD

Members of LeadingAge NY’s Housing Cabinet met with officials of the HUD Multi-Family division last week to discuss the Department’s reorganization, and ongoing concerns about New York’s stock of aging 202 properties. A major reorganization is underway that will eliminate many of the regional offices, such as the one in Buffalo, and merge most functions into the regional centers, such as the one in New York City.  

The Section 202 Program has funded hundreds of rental buildings for elders in New York since its creation in 1959. Many of these buildings now have significant capital needs. In a time of declining resources, providers frequently struggle to make capital improvements from modest reserve accounts.

LeadingAge NY members are participating in a national survey of 202 Project Rental Assistance Contracts to quantify ongoing capital needs of these aging buildings, which provide a critical source of affordable housing for low income seniors. The deadline for the survey, which can be accessed here, is Tues., June 30.  

Contact: John Broderick, jbroderick@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8383