Register Now: 2023 Virtual ADHC New Director and Staff Training Scheduled for Oct. 19th and 20th

The Adult Day Health Care Council (ADHCC) is holding its 2023 Virtual Adult Day Health Care (ADHC) Director and Staff Training on Thurs., Oct. 19th and Fri., Oct. 20th from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. each day. This two-day training program will be a live virtual presentation.
ADHCC urges open, newly reopened, and even closed ADHC programs to take advantage of this offering, as the sector has experienced high staff turnover. This program is designed for ADHC program directors or staff members with less than three years of experience in ADHC, as well as individuals seeking to increase or refresh their knowledge of Part 425 regulations or program operations. Program directors, nurses, social workers, corporate compliance officers, and nursing home administrators are encouraged to attend. New and veteran staff are urged to join us.
ADHCC's two days of intensive training will cover the following:
- All aspects of program relating to Part 425 regulations, as well as the proposed Part 425 regulations still under review by the Department of Health (DOH) relating to the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Rule;
- Assessments and admissions;
- Generating referrals;
- Staffing of program;
- Commonly asked questions;
- HCBS Rule;
- Documentation;
- Writing policies and procedures; and
- Leadership strategies.
Currently, only 55 out of approximately 120 ADHC programs have reopened since being ordered to close in March 2020 due to COVID-19. We strongly urge programs considering reopening to engage in the training to facilitate and expedite the reopening process. This is a great opportunity to ask any questions you have about program requirements and on-the-ground operation.
ADHC directors and staff will be able to engage with presenters in a Q&A format to find answers to operational questions and learn on-the-ground strategies and best practices in ADHC. Whether you have worked in ADHC for five months or 15 years, you will learn new ideas to take back to your program.
Click here to register.
Contact: Meg Everett,, 518-867-8871