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LeadingAge NY Memo Summarizes VAP Program

LeadingAge NY has just posted a memorandum that provides background on the Vital Access Provider (VAP) program, summarizes the application process and describes other operational aspects of the program.

VAP provides temporary rate enhancements to nursing homes, hospitals, clinics, certified home health agencies, licensed home care services agencies and consumer directed personal assistance program fiscal intermediaries that are reconfiguring, converting, decertifying or integrating services with other providers or affected by other providers undertaking these activities. Providers can apply for VAP funding if they are facing financial challenges in ensuring access to essential health services for poor populations.

A total of $194 million was appropriated for the program in State Fiscal Year 2014-15. While the Department of Health may issue competitive solicitations in the future for the VAP program, at present the application process is open and eligible providers may apply.

Contact: Dan Heim, dheim@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8866