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Antipsychotic Drug Use in Nursing Homes

LeadingAge NY Policy Analyst and Long Term Care Consultant, Michelle Synakowski, provided testimony on the use of antipsychotic medication in nursing homes on Wed., Feb. 18 at an Assembly Health Committee hearing in New York City. The purpose of the hearing was to give representatives of residents, families, advocates and providers the opportunity to voice their observations and recommendations in relation to the appropriate and inappropriate use of these drugs. LeadingAge NY testified on the following key points:

  • the decline in antipsychotic medication use among non-profit nursing home providers;
  • efforts by LeadingAge NY member facilities to reduce usage and initiate non-pharmacological therapies;
  • appropriate usage of antipsychotic medications to alleviate severe distress commonly associated with dementia; and
  • the potential to misinterpret data and other findings on antipsychotic use in nursing homes.

The Long Term Care Community Coalition (LTCCC), whose recent report outlines “alarming above-average” antipsychotic drug usage rates in areas of the State and in nursing homes, testified at the hearing, along with several other organizations. LeadingAge NY was the only organization that represented providers at the hearing. LeadingAge NY’s testimony is available here.

Contact: Michelle Synakowski, msynakowsk@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8383