Monthly tips, tools, information & special offers
January 2022 | Issue 12
Solutions Spotlight
Trends and Developments Critical to the Success of Senior Living Communities

HJ Sims cordially invites member providers and their board members to its 19th Annual HJ Sims Late Winter Conference in order to examine trends and developments critical to the success of senior living communities. HJ Sims has compiled an extensive and thoughtful agenda to address financing methods, operating strategies and technological advancements that can help alleviate existing challenges and encourage continued growth in the non-profit and proprietary sectors of senior living. The conference will also deliver a dynamic group of speakers and experts committed to sharing thought-provoking views and providing profound insight. The objective of the Late Winter Conference is for industry participants to learn and discuss each other’s strategies and solutions for success while enjoying unique networking opportunities. 
4 Questions to Evaluate Your Business Partners

Discover 4 essential questions to evaluate if your current or potential therapy partner is the best fit for you to excel in 2022.
Tips for Controlling Workers Comp Costs

Workers Compensation is the most controllable insurance coverage an organization has. When you are proactive with your risk management program, your claims, experience modification, and ultimately, your premiums will reflect that. Cool Insuring – A Gallagher Company has professionals that can assist with all of the above strategies and have been successful in recovering significant overpaid premiums.
Remote Assessment Documentation And Reimbursement

Zimmet Healthcare’s Z-RADAR is a fully scalable remote MDS solution for Skilled Nursing Facilities. We provide interventional assessment management designed to cover short-term absences and permanent outsourced services that often prove more cost effective than in-house models.
Special Savings from Value First!

Germ free is the way to be - save on COVID related costs!
Enhancing Your Healthcare Staffing Shortage Strategic Solutions

The shortage of nursing and rehab staff is staggering and continues to grow throughout the Skilled Nursing Community. This employment deficiency will likely be in the healthcare industry for quite some time, even when pandemic is no longer prevalent.
Using Creative Solutions to Engage Residents

During the COVID-19 shutdowns, managers from Sodexo Seniors re-imagined resident engagement to combat isolation and to cultivate meaningful experiences at their communities. By using creative techniques and lessons learned, managers helped residents thrive during a time of unprecedented challenges. These same techniques can be applied even now at senior living communities across the country
Creative Solutions from Sodexo Seniors managers that will help you actively engage residents at your community.
Undue Hardship Waiver Yields Big Results Fast via Collaboration with DSS

The Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) resident transferred her home to her son and when she filed for Medicaid, her application was denied for uncompensated transfers in excess of $175,000. The Resident filed a civil action seeking the return of the property to her. Nevertheless, DSS denied the Medicaid application and imposed a significant penalty period against her earliest possible Medicaid eligibility date.
Unidine Senior Living Virtual Experience

As a senior living executive, you face a challenging economic environment. Your focus has expanded beyond simply offering care. You need new strategies to increase resident occupancy and satisfaction in an increasingly competitive landscape, while maintaining staffing levels and offsetting rising costs. At Unidine, we know your dining program can play a strategic role – supporting your brand’s commitment to the community’s safety, wellbeing, and happiness. Walk along with us to see how a partnership with Unidine can offer the solutions you need. 
Fresh Thinking Vlog